"Rats are people, too."
From Fallen London Wiki
Spoiler warning! This page contains details about Fallen London Actions. |
From: 'Rattus Faber: Threat or Menace?'
Action Cost: 0
Some good, some bad. We should afford them the opportunity to prove themselves one or the other.
Game Instructions: This is a Magnanimous choice.
Of course, some rats are opportunistic, or filthy, or savage. But has he met any journalists, lately? Huffam laughs, nervously.
"Are you an advocate of rat-suffrage, then?" he asks. You phrase your answer carefully: […] you don't rule it out.[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]
- You have unlocked new stories! (Sets A Name Scrawled in Blood to 3 - Advance through the fighting rings to unlock new stories)
- Dangerous is increasing… (+200 CP, up to level 200 + Dangerous Gains)
- Magnanimous is increasing… (+5 CP)
- Ruthless is dropping… (-5 CP)
- Your 'Nightmares' Quality has gone!