...it is not a gentle thing to die at Zee
From Fallen London Wiki
A player-created Guide is available for this content: Piracy (Guide) |
A player-created Guide is available for this content: Zailing (Guide) |
Spoiler warning! This page contains details about Fallen London Actions. |
From: Thursday, __th of ____, _____
Action Cost: 0
We have consigned Our Beloved Captain's body to the waves, where we can only hope a zailor will find mercy in the court of the Fathomking.
Redirects to:
→ In the Court of the Fathomking
An occurrence! Your 'A Demise at Zee:' Quality is now Collapsed from Wounds! (hidden)
Your 'Zailing on:' Quality has gone! (hidden)
Your 'Zailing to Destination:' Quality has gone! (hidden)
Your 'Zailing towards' Quality has gone! (hidden)
You are no longer zailing. (Removes
Zee Peril) (hidden)
Your 'Distance to Zail' Quality has gone! (hidden)
Your 'Zailing Route' Quality has gone! (hidden)
Zailing... has been reset! A new leg on your journey, or an arrival at port? (Removes
Your 'Zailing on:' Quality has gone! (hidden)
Your 'Zailing to Destination:' Quality has gone!
You are no longer zailing. (Removes
Zee Peril)
Your 'Distance to Zail' Quality has gone! (hidden)
Your 'Zailing Route' Quality has gone! (hidden)
Your 'Abandoned Trip Flag' Quality has gone! (hidden)
You've lost (half of your
Plunder, up to 6250) x Pieces of Plunder Weighing Down Your Hold
- Pages Without Guide Restrictions
- Redirect
- Actions
- A Demise at Zee: Gain
- Zailing on: Loss
- Zailing to Destination: Loss
- Zailing towards Loss
- Zee Peril Loss
- Distance to Zail Loss
- Zailing Route Loss
- Zailing... Loss
- Abandoned Trip Flag Loss
- Pieces of Plunder Weighing Down Your Hold
- Pieces of Plunder Weighing Down Your Hold Formula Uses
- Pieces of Plunder Weighing Down Your Hold Loss