A light comedy about the lives of the saints
From Fallen London Wiki
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From: The Grand Finale
An amusing hagiographical romp through history. Remember to invite the bishops. Enough to get you solidly exiled, but nothing that will offend the Empress personally.
A night to remember
[…] Two bishops […] walk out during You'll Have To Stand Still If You Want To Be A Martyr. The Bishop of Southwark promises to do something very secular to you.
[…] the audience storms the stage. St Sebastian is beaten with an umbrella. […]Description summary:
Your opera mocks the saints and the Church. The Empress seems unfazed by this, but the audience and Bishops are furious. You are bundled off to exile.
[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]
An occurrence! Your 'Carving out a Reputation at Court' Quality is now 9!
You're no longer working on anything. (Removes
Working on...)
'Inspired...' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?
Renown: Bohemians is increasing… (+10 CP, up to level 55) (uncapped)
Redirects to: On the way to the docks