Rewards analysis

From Fallen London Wiki

So I'll have to take some time to type up a full guide to the Fate-locked activity. But initial spreadsheeting is summarized thusly:

Main progress quality is worth <style data-mw-deduplicate="TemplateStyles:r1245547">html[data-flw-theme="dark"] .mw-parser-output .flw-echo{filter:invert(70%)sepia(4%)saturate(1224%)hue-rotate(1deg)brightness(102%)contrast(89%)}html[data-flw-theme="light"] .mw-parser-output .flw-echo{filter:invert(3%)sepia(5%)saturate(6260%)hue-rotate(351deg)brightness(96%)contrast(99%)}.mw-parser-output .flw-echo{vertical-align:-8%;margin:0 -6px}</style><a href="/wiki/Penny" title="Penny"><img alt="E" src="/w/images/6/68/Icon-echo-black.svg" width="23" height="15" class="flw-echo" /></a> 0.20 per point. The "flavour" qualities are worth <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r1245547"/><a href="/wiki/Penny" title="Penny"><img alt="E" src="/w/images/6/68/Icon-echo-black.svg" width="23" height="15" class="flw-echo" /></a> 2.00 per point. Rewards are paid out in the "banding" structure like dreamers in the Viric Jungle, where it pays out in as many T5 items as fit into the value, and then the remainder is paid out in lower-value items.

Probably the most economically-relevant part is that you can efficiently convert Emetic Revelations into Storm-Threnodies.