Contemplate your lack of enticing goods

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Selling to the Unsanctioned Relicker

Action Cost: 0

"Never you mind. I am, after all, very particular in my tastes."

Locked with 2 x An Ornate and Hefty Gothic Cross, 2 x Apian Coronet, 2 x Clandestine Candle, 2 x Commander's Oneironautical Helm, 2 x Completely Unassuming Palaeontological Accessory, 2 x Diatomist's Array, 2 x Gant Bowler of Fiduciary Responsibility, 2 x Inconspicuous Overalls, 2 x Lightfingers' Folly, 2 x Mark of Disdain, 2 x Pickpocket's Bane, 2 x Plate of Scandalously Buttered Scones, 2 x Pugilist's Hello, 2 x Murgatroyd's Patented Fungal Christmas 'Tree'


A matter of time

"If your life is anything like mine, you accumulate tat at an alarmin' rate. I'm sure you'll be back." The Unsanctioned Relicker leans back to pet Plumstead, then appears to think better of it.

Success Instructions: Return in future, if you obtain duplicates you wish to be rid of.