Get a look into the houses that aren't there

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Stepping across a twist in the streets

The windows are uncurtained. A bright light and a good telescope might give you a hint of what's inside, even if you can't walk up to the door.



[…] Inside is a workshop […]

You recognise […] Someone here was working on a project of the Red Science […]

[…] the board must decide what to do about this impediment […]

Second […] You'd have to be in Parabola even to think what to do next.

Description summary:
The space-time anomaly that is preventing the construction of the railway contains houses, which you can see into with a telescope. One of the houses is a workshop, containing a Red Science project, theoretical but still powerful enough to cause this. You must inform the board, but this project suggests new possibilities to explore in Parabola.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Success Instructions: From here, you can advance the Railway by calling a board meeting. Those with access to a Reflection of their Laboratory may find value in visiting there as well.