Help him escape the rodents' wrath

From Fallen London Wiki
This content was only available during the launch of an Exceptional Story:
Death and Tax Evasion

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From: An Exceptional Story: Death and Tax Evasion

A swarm that size could whittle him down to the bone in fifteen seconds.


A daring rescue

You grab the rat-seller by the arm and hoist him to the safety of a nearby rooftop. The rats […] disappointed […] disappear down the drains like water from a bathtub.

As a reward, he hands you a grotesque bouquet of rat-carcasses. "Free of charge," he assures.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Success Instructions: Exceptional Stories are Fallen London's most premium content. 'Death and Tax Evasion' is the Exceptional Story for October, currently available only to subscribers. You can subscribe on the Fate page to enjoy an Exceptional Story every month, plus other delicious perks!