Just stay out of the way

From Fallen London Wiki
This content was only available during the launch of an Exceptional Story:
Death and Tax Evasion

See here for a list of all Exceptional Stories.

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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: An Exceptional Story: Death and Tax Evasion

Action Cost: 0

Shimmy up a nearby lamp-post and watch the fun unfold.


Doing a mischief

The rats swarm over the poor street-merchant, […] There is […] a cry of "for him below!"

Then the rodents are fled, […] They leave the poor shopkeeper […] upside-down, strung up by his bootlaces. His furry wares have been tied up alongside him like a grotesque bouquet.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Success Instructions: Exceptional Stories are Fallen London's most premium content. 'Death and Tax Evasion' is the Exceptional Story for October, currently available only to subscribers. You can subscribe on the Fate page to enjoy an Exceptional Story every month, plus other delicious perks!