Lay track across a wasteland and keep your workforce well fed (After Stoppage)

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: The Next Stretch of Track

Or at least adequately fed.

Unlocked with 3 x Railway Steel, Terrain Surveyed exactly 9, 1 x Crate of Incorruptible Biscuits, Encountered Union Dissent (hidden)

Locked with Tracklayers' Work Stoppage, Track Laid 3


With thanks

(see table below)
1 - Furnace AnconaFurnace accepts the donation gratefully.
2 - CorneliusCornelius accepts the donation gratefully.
3 - A Lackey of Mr FiresMr Fires' lackey accepts the donation gratefully.
4 - A Lackey of Yours, Formerly Aligned with Mr FiresYour lackey accepts the donation gratefully.
10 - JanuaryJanuary accepts the donation without bothering to thank you.