Lay track through hilly land and supply the experiments of the amateur Palaeontologists (Evenlode)

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From: The Next Stretch of Track

The Prehistoricist Tracklayers have dreams of what could be done if they could get their own strange animals to help with their burdens. Indulge them.

Game Instructions: (Only with Previously Struck?) In gratitude, the Tracklayers will bring you some bones; you'll have the opportunity to select which of several bone types you'd like.

Unlocked with 5 x Railway Steel, Terrain Surveyed exactly 5, 2 x Hillmover, 10 x Perfumed Gunpowder, 10 x Crate of Incorruptible Biscuits, 1 x Nodule of Pulsating Amber

Locked with Tracklayers' Work Stoppage

Wiki note: This page shows two branches - one locking and the other unlocking with Previously Struck?.


(See table below)


"You know, there are them on the team who think they're going to breed a kind of monster […] would just stroll across the Neath laying down metal while it walks. […]"

[…] she has found you at home, and her news is less conciliatory.

Description summary:
The above text is for the first stretch of tracks en route to the Evenlode. For other stretches and the title variations, see the tables below.

Previously Struck?Title
NoDoubt, bemusement
YesComplicated ground
Track LaidFirst Paragraph
1 (No longer accessible)[…] The hills are difficult. Explode them in one place, and they'll come back somewhere else. […] Tunnels cave in, or grow teeth.

"I think they mean that something with teeth moved into the tunnel," remarks Furnace […]

2[…] remains of old roads, and roadside burials. Highwaymen are supposed to live in these hills. And once, the Tracklayers say, they break open a barrow accidentally, and three of them fall straight asleep and cannot be woken, until they seal it again.
3"Couple of Union men went off to live in the hills," says Furnace this time. "We'll probably see them wearing kilts and holding up a train next." She says it lightly, as though this is just one of the fortunes of the work. But she looks annoyed.
4"Won't be sorry to be through this land," says Furnace. "It's heavy work. But we can see the Evenlode now, even if it's a long way off. One good thing about building over high ground. Get a view of where you're going."

[Find the rest of the story at]

Before the Worker's Strike

Redirects to: An impediment

After the Worker's Strike

Redirects to: Sort the Results of Excavation