Lay track through marsh and keep watch for any buried bones as you go (After Discovery)

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From: The Next Stretch of Track

The damp earth preserves animals well, or so you've always heard.

Game Instructions: This option is costly, but will complete all of the track remaining as well as discovering a Leviathan Frame, a valuable skeleton torso.

Unlocked with 6 x Railway Steel, 50 x Survey of the Neath's Bones, Terrain Surveyed exactly 3, 20 x Crate of Incorruptible Biscuits, Discovered: a Patch of Frozen Neath

Locked with Tracklayers' Work Stoppage, Track Laid 3


Mired in time and mud

[…] There's no more like the first, icy patch, but they do find you something significant.

Delivering the Leviathan frame is not easy […] A crowd gathers […] to watch the bones go by. The Prehistoricist tracklayers throw their hats in the air.

[Find the rest of the story at]