Nikolas Pawnbrokers

From Fallen London Wiki

Best wares. Best prices. No spiders.

This shop at the Bazaar sells various Curiosity.

Item Buy price Sell price
Bottleclearsmall.png F.F. Gebrandt's Superior Laudanum E 1.00 E 0.10
Vialbluesmall.png F.F. Gebrandt's Tincture of Vigour E 1.00 E 0.10
Vialsmall.png Nikolas & Sons Instant Ablution Absolution E 1.50 E 0.25
Coppersmall.png Antique Constable's Badge E 30.00 E 25.00
Bookbrownsmall.png Entry in Slowcake's Exceptionals E 30.00 E 27.50
Ringsmall.png Copper Cipher Ring E 40.00 E 37.50
Flagsmall.png Red-Feathered Pin E 40.00 E 35.00
Unfinished paintingsmall.png Tiny Jewelled Reliquary E 40.00 E 35.00
Tankardsmall.png Engraved Pewter Tankard E 50.00 E 47.50
Typewritersmall.png Ornate Typewriter E 60.00 E 30.00
Keystonesmall.png Old Bone Skeleton Key E 62.50 E 57.50
Universitysmall.png Endowment of a University Fellowship E 100.00 E 50.00
Goldenapplesmall.png Firkin of Hesperidean Cider E 160 000.00 E 80 000.00