Railway Board (Guide)/Proposal Table

From Fallen London Wiki

Extracting Value[edit]

Extracting Value
Issue Interests (difficulty modifier) Effects Notes
Vote a dividend to the shareholders Requires: < In Corporate Debt 4
Propose special consideration to certain charitable groups Board Member: the Gracious Widow
Propose paying a dividend to the poor of the Hinterlands

Improve Your Trains[edit]

Improve Your Trains
Issue Interests (difficulty modifier) Effects Notes
Add Train Luxuries
Add Train Defences
Build more room for baggage on the train

Send Your Trains to War[edit]

Send Your Trains to War
Issue Interests (difficulty modifier) Effects Notes
Suggest building a spur line into Parabola
Propose you deploy your train in the Parabolan War on behalf of Cats
Propose you deploy your train in the Parabolan War on behalf of Fingerkings
Propose you deploy your train in the Parabolan War
Propose you deploy your train in the Parabolan War for the Viscountess
Propose you deploy your train in your Parabolan War campaign for the Ophidian Gentleman

Expanding the Railroad[edit]

Collapsed by default to avoid spoilers.

Initial Charter
Issue Interests (difficulty modifier) Effects Notes
Vote congratulations to the Board on its formation Wealth Charter
Vote to honour this historic moment with a donation to the Impoverished
Propose an explicitly scientific charter
Propose an expressly Infernal charter Requires Hellish Hymn
Propose an emphatically mission-oriented charter Requires The Very Teeth of St George!
Ealing Gardens
Issue Interests (difficulty modifier) Effects Notes
Plan the next route through occupied buildings, alongside the Moloch Line Costs 1 x Puzzling Map
Plan the next route through abandoned buildings Costs 1 x Puzzling Map
Vote extra funds to build around the anomalous block
Propose a Red Science solution that would remove the anomalous block
Propose a plan for the next Station building and for the train engines to go there
Jericho Locks
Issue Interests (difficulty modifier) Effects Notes
Plan the next route through the Pitiless Bog
Free up the funds to excavate whatever the Tracklayers found
Pave over whatever the Tracklayers found
Propose a plan for the next Station building and for the train engines to go there
Magistracy of the Evenlode
Issue Interests (difficulty modifier) Effects Notes
Plan the next route across the Plain of Thirsty Grasses
Plan the next route over the Monkprince Hills Requires 1 x Cartographer's Hoard
Advocate paying off the striking workers
Recommend giving the workers a share of the company
Recommend giving the workers a sharp corrective
Propose a plan for the next Station building and for the train engines to go there
Issue Interests (difficulty modifier) Effects Notes
Plan the next route straight up the side of a mountain Realize you need Hellworms. No vote needed.
Plan to hire Hellworms and drill through rock that way
Suggest a detour through Parabola Requires Access to a Parabolan Base-Camp
Propose a plan for the next Station building and for the train engines to go there
Station VIII
Issue Interests (difficulty modifier) Effects Notes
Plan the next route across a ravine
Appoint (a Tracklayer) in Furnace's place
Appoint Cornelius in Furnace's place
Propose a plan for the next Station building and for the train engines to go there
Issue Interests (difficulty modifier) Effects Notes
Plan the next route through Wasteland
Vote a new set of concessions to the Union
Vote on Cornelius' plan to build a Tracklaying Beast
Vote on new illumination for the stations
Vote a package of measures intended to get work to resume
Propose a plan for the next Station building and for the train engines to go there
Issue Interests (difficulty modifier) Effects Notes
Plan the next route through former battlefields
Support the motion of the Bishop of Southwark regarding a route to Moulin
Support the motion of the Wandering Gondolier regarding a route to Moulin
Support Virginia's motion regarding a route to Moulin
Support Feducci's motion regarding a route to Moulin
Support Cornelius' motion regarding a route to Moulin
Support the Viscountess' motion regarding a route to Moulin
Support His Amused Lordship's motion regarding a route to Moulin
Support April's motion regarding a route to Moulin
Support July's motion regarding a route to Moulin
Propose a costly but effective tribute to Hillchanger Tower
Accept a proposal from those board members with a non-human perspective
Accept a proposal from those board members aligned with a month
Accept a proposal from those board members expert in the history of the Neath
Propose a daringly-built station in brass and rose, tribute to Hell
Propose a station fierce against Hell
Propose the kind of station one might find in a sleepy village in Oxfordshire
Propose a station building proclaiming the Bazaar's great reach
Propose a station building unmistakably of the Empress' realm
Propose a station fit for the wilderness
Propose a station that is a defiance to All
The Hurlers
Issue Interests (difficulty modifier) Effects Notes
Plan for an icy route to the Hurlers
Requires The Efficient Commissioner's Tale 1000
Marigold Station
Issue Interests (difficulty modifier) Effects Notes
Plan your last route, and set aside land for a tracklayers' city near Ealing Gardens Board Against Rubbery Interests (10)
  • Requires
  • Leader of the Tracklayers
  • Leader of the Tracklayers A Lackey of Mr Fires
  • A Lackey of Yours, Formerly Aligned with Mr Fires
Plan your last route, and set aside land for a tracklayers' city near the Magistracy of the Evenlode
Plan your last route, and set aside land for a tracklayers' city near Balmoral
Plan your last route, and set aside land for a tracklayers' city near Station VIII
  • Requires
  • Leader of the Tracklayers
  • Leader of the Tracklayers A Lackey of Mr Fires
  • A Lackey of Yours, Formerly Aligned with Mr Fires
Plan your last route, and set aside land for a tracklayers' city near Burrow-infra-Mump
Plan your last route, and set aside land for a tracklayers' city between Moulin and Hurlers
Plan your last route, and set aside land for a tracklayers' city at the outskirts of Hell
Propose a plan for the next Station building and for the train engines to go there

Misc Proposals[edit]

Misc Proposals
Issue Interests (difficulty modifier) Effects Notes
Propose that the Unyielding Highlander become Castellan of Balmoral
Propose the Fervent Widow become Castellan of Balmoral
Propose September become Castellan of Balmoral
Propose September court the Wandering Gondolier
Propose September court the Hell-Scarred Gondolier
Propose that you marry September
Propose that the Dean of Xenotheology become Patron of the Burrow Church
Propose that the Bishop of St Fiacre's become Patron of the Burrow Church

Remove Board Members[edit]

Remove Board Members
Issue Interests (difficulty modifier) Effects Notes
Vote the Jovial Contrarian off the board Board Member: Jovial Contrarian Removed Requires Total Board Membership 5
Vote Sinning Jenny off the board Board Member: Sinning Jenny Removed Requires Total Board Membership 5
Vote Feducci off the board Board Member: Feducci Removed Requires Total Board Membership 5
Vote Virginia off the board Board Member: Virginia Removed Requires Total Board Membership 5
Vote Furnace off the board Board Member: Furnace Ancona Removed Requires Total Board Membership 5
Vote the Dean of Xenotheology off the board Board Member: The Dean of Xenotheology Removed Requires Total Board Membership 5
Vote the Bishop of Saint Fiacre's off the board Board Member: The Bishop of Saint Fiacre's Removed Requires Total Board Membership 5
Vote the Bishop of Southwark off the board Board Member: The Bishop of Southwark Removed Requires Total Board Membership 5
Vote His Amused Lordship off the Board Board Member: His Amused Lordship Removed
Vote the Efficient Commissioner off the board Board Member: The Efficient Commissioner Removed
Vote the Tentacled Entrepreneur off the Board Board Member: Tentacled Entrepreneur Removed Requires Total Board Membership 5
Vote the Gracious Widow off the board Board Member: the Gracious Widow Removed Requires Total Board Membership 5
Vote April off the Board Board Member: April Removed Requires Total Board Membership 5
Vote the Wandering Gondolier off the Board Board Member: The Wandering Gondolier Removed Requires Total Board Membership 5
Vote the Viscountess off the Board Board Member: The Viscountess of the Viric Jungle Removed Requires Total Board Membership 5
Vote the Hell-Scarred Gondolier off the Board Board Member: The Hell-Scarred Gondolier Removed Requires Total Board Membership 5
Vote September off the Board Board Member: September Removed Requires Total Board Membership 5
Vote July off the Board Board Member: July Removed Requires Total Board Membership 5
Vote the Rubbery Yes-Man off the Board Board Member: Rubbery Yes-Man Removed Requires Total Board Membership 5
Vote Cornelius off the Board Board Member: Cornelius Removed Requires Total Board Membership 5
Vote January off the Board Board Member: January Removed Requires Total Board Membership 5
Vote the Drummer off the Board Board Member: The Drummer Removed Requires Total Board Membership 5
Vote the Delightful Reverend off the Board Board Member: The Delightful Reverend Removed Requires Total Board Membership 5
Vote the Wry Functionary off the Board Board Member: The Wry Functionary Removed Requires Total Board Membership 5
Vote the Implacable Detective off the Board Board Member: The Implacable Detective Removed Requires Total Board Membership 5
Vote the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner off the Board Board Member: The Dauntless Temperance Campaigner Removed Requires Total Board Membership 5