Take the vote and declare Victory in the matter of locating the TLU city (right at the very walls of Hell)

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From: Debating Matters of Business with the Board

Let them set up their new town as far from London as possible – right at the very walls of Hell.

Unlocked with Question before the Board exactly 187 (Plan your last route, and set aside land for a tracklayers' city at the outskirts of Hell)

Locked with Uncommitted Board Members


So let it be!

Will the devils mind? […] Will the pipe and drum of hell lure away the tracklayers? The delicious truth is that it will hardly matter: they will be […] far from London […]

A route for the rail through to Marigold station is appended almost as an afterthought […]

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Success Instructions: You may now start laying the last stretch of track. Further opportunities to advance the tracklayers' city will arise.

  • Coast2small.png You've chosen a course across the white flats to Marigold. (Sets Terrain Surveyed to 13 - White Flats)
  • Mapsmall.png You agree a site near Marigold, snug beneath the walls of Hell. (Sets Hinterland City - Chosen Site to 7 - Near Marigold, Snug Beneath the Walls of Hell)

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