The Adulterine Castle

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.
Everything that isn't here would simply float away[…] were these nonexistent rooms[…] unbound from the weightless weight that hasn't sunk […] to the depths[…]; rather, like an Anchoress. Her absence is ever-present when you don't traverse the twisting corridors.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with a redirect from On the Ice

Storylet appears in Adulterine Castle


Consult the Stewards of the Discordance
Enter the courtyard
  •  Spoiler 
    Action Cost: 0



    Deeper inside is further outside

    Wiki note: This branch takes you out to the main Adulterine Castle area.


Approach the Anchoress (with Crystalline Knowledge < 4)
Approach the Anchoress (with Crystalline Knowledge exactly 4)
Approach the Anchoress (with Crystalline Knowledge 5-6)
This page contains information about the Deeper Discordant Studies, which are designated by FBG to require strict spoiler protection. Proceed below at your own risk.
Review the Book of Seals
  •  Spoiler 
    Action Cost: 0
    Unlocked with Risen or/and Sunken



    Seals and Principles

    Quality Further Instructions
    Eighth Seal 1 • You haven't yet studied the Eighth Principle.
    Eighth Seal 2 • You have successfully studied the Eighth Principle.
    Seventh Seal 1 • You haven't yet studied the Seventh Principle.
    Seventh Seal 2 • You have successfully studied the Seventh Principle.
    Sixth Seal 1 • You haven't yet studied the Sixth Principle.
    Sixth Seal 2 • You have successfully studied the Sixth Principle.
    Fifth Seal 1 • You haven't yet studied the Fifth Principle.
    Fifth Seal 2 • You have successfully studied the Fifth Principle.
    Fourth Seal 1 • You haven't yet studied the Fourth Principle.
    Fourth Seal 2 • You have successfully studied the Fourth Principle.
    Third Seal 1 • You haven't yet studied the Third Principle.
    Third Seal 2 • You have successfully studied the Third Principle.
    Second Seal 1 • You haven't yet studied the Second Principle.
    Second Seal 2 • You have successfully studied the Second Principle.
    First Seal 1 • You haven't yet studied the First Principle.
    First Seal 2 • You have successfully studied the First Principle.
    Acquaintance You have successfully studied a Nonexistent Principle and entered the Black Castle. There are no deeper principles to study at this time. However, if you wish to acquire more resources (or reduce more skills), you can continue to play the branches you've already completed.
Ascend to the Lower Castle
Descend to the Upper Castle
Approach the Anchoress (with Crystalline Knowledge 7)