The Starstone Demark

From Fallen London Wiki
A player-created Guide is available for this content: The Rat Market (Guide)

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Correspondence paperweight.png
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: The Maundering Rat's Stall

Action Cost: 0

A pitted stone, heavy as a paperweight, and older than the stars in the lost sky.

Unlocked with The Rat Market is present (World Quality, now locked), The Rat-Season: is Candle-Canker, Wink-and-Wane or Vial-Vane (World Quality, now locked), 3125 x Rat-Shilling


The punctuation of the Correspondence

The Maundering Rat's paw brushes over the stone with something like reverence. "A cessation […] Or the pause between breath." […]

"Every clause has its heart," the […] Rat mutters, as smoke rises from his blackened whiskers. "Every declaration its function." […]

[Find the rest of the story at]