Upset the Captivating Princess' dignity (The Waswood)
From Fallen London Wiki
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From: The Captivating Princess in the Waswood
She could do with being brought down to earth a little. It should be simple: she travels everywhere by sedan. It's an easy target.
Challenge information
- 18 - very chancy (43%)
- 22 - chancy (52%)
- 26 - modest (62%)
- 30 - very modest (72%)
- 34 - low-risk (81%)
- 38 - straightforward (91%)
- 42 - straightforward (100%)
A train of tears
You spend hours crafting an elaborate diversion […] Blood and wine flood the street. […]
The Captivating Princess' sedan slips in the carnage. A woman – alas, only the decoy for the Princess – quite ruins her dress in all the red fluids. […][Find the rest of the story at]
Dangerous is increasing…
You've gained 1 x An Identity Uncovered!
A royal visit
Your scheme should have worked. Had she been in the sedan at the time […] But d__n her royal eyes, she's apparently been making use of decoys […]
You find […] her […] in your parlour. […] "I have read your journals and circulated the parts I found most amusing," […][Find the rest of the story at]