User:Mzs/Template:Calculator/Difficulty Level

From Fallen London Wiki


  1. Input one or more quality levels, separated by commas, into the Quality Levels field.
  2. Input the corresponding success probabilities, also separated by commas, into the Success Probabilities field.
    1. The number and order of the Success Probabilities must match the corresponding Quality Levels.
  3. If more convenient, you can set Base Quality Level to your unmodified quality and input your modifiers—positive or negative—into the Quality Levels field.
 template = User:Mzs/Template:Calculator/Difficulty Level
 form = Difficulty
 result = DifficultyResult
 param = quality_levels|Quality Levels|100, 150, 199|string
 param = probabilities|Success Probabilities (%)|50, 75, 99|string
 param = scaler|Difficulty Scaler (%)|60|int|1-100
 param = base_quality|Base Quality Level|0|int|0-999
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