Watch the village grown around Factory VIII

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: The Station for Factory VIII, or 'Station VIII'

Exhausted labourers troop inside to cramped confines. But how do they live outside of the tyranny of the factory clock?

Game Instructions: The more brightly-lit the factory, the easier this will be.

Unlocked with The Business of Manufacture 4

Challenge information

Broad, Watchful 250

  • 171 - very chancy (41%)
  • 213 - chancy (51%)
  • 255 - modest (61%)
  • 296 - very modest (71%)
  • 338 - low-risk (81%)
  • 380 - straightforward (91%)
  • 417 - straightforward (100%)

Difficulty is (175 + 25 * Station VIII: Darkness). Example shown is with Station VIII: Darkness 3.



Airs of VIIIDescription
1 - 9Children bounce a ball off the factory wall. Others play hopscotch. One, splashing in an oily puddle, bursts into sudden, inexplicable laughter. He is ignored.
10 - 19Children bounce a ball off the factory wall. Others play hopscotch. One, splashing in an oily puddle, sits on the ground in sudden, deep thought. He is ignored.
20 - 29Two elderly men are playing bowls. They move slowly, […] There is a quiet companionship […] A third joins them from the factory – he walked through a lilac-tinged mist on the way. The bowls players do not comment on the tears he wipes with his sleeve.
30 - 38Two elderly men are playing bowls. They move slowly, arthritically. There is a quiet companionship about them; […] A third joins them from the factory – he walked through a yellow-tinged mist on the way. The bowls players do not comment on his giggling;[…]
40 - 49It is washing day. A gaggle of washerwomen ignore the blue smoke billowing from the factory and hang out laundry […] Their gossip […] is the same as it would be in London. But their tones are lower, and gaps grow […] like it has become an effort to care.
50 - 59It is washing day. A gaggle of washerwomen ignore the blue smoke billowing from the factory and hang out laundry […] One […] passes a flask around […] a sip each for them to be reminiscing about a high-society dinner – which, surely, none could have attended.
61 - 79There is a raucous cheer from the pub. The sound continues for several minutes. An investigation reveals that someone has thrown a near-bullseye in a game of darts.
82 - 100A worker rushes from the factory to collect his colleague from a nearby bench. The man is late back on shift, having apparently become lost in reverie while consuming a sandwich. He stares into space, smiling, oblivious of his colleague's shouts.



[Varies; same as above]

An off-duty track layer nods to you. "Couldn't live here myself. It's the factory. Oppressive, I reckon. Bad for the spirits."

Description summary:
The first paragraph is the same as for success.

[Find the rest of the story at]