From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: This Morning's Gazette

Action Cost: 0

It is spawning season for giant Angler Crabs, it says. That can't be good.

Unlocked with Estimated Angler Crab Population is 1000 (World Quality, now locked), An Explorer of the Unterzee - is: The Captain


Zeeward bound!

[…] the fearsome Angler Crabs, menace to all honest zailors, are spawning. […] across the […] Unterzee, the Angler Crabs are in migration […]

It's said there's good hunting on the Angler Crab. […] All one needs is a good ship, a long-range gun, and a strong hull.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Success Instructions: Pursue an Angler Crab through 'Hunting the Beasts of the Unterzee', which can be found after boarding your ship.