A Turncoat

From Fallen London Wiki
A player-created Guide is available for this content: A Boxful of Intrigue (Guide)

How are the above links here?


You are becoming known for your uncertain loyalties.

Game Instructions: Don't let this rise beyond 3, or you may find options closed to you.

See here for a list of all pages which use or require this quality, or click here to show them.


Unlocked at Menace Level: 4

The Traitor's Feast


  1. Somewhat Untrustworthy [Your apparent change in loyalties has raised eyebrows.]
  2. Somewhat Untrustworthy [Commentators are puzzled by the true nature of your loyalties. Perhaps you are not to be trusted...]
  3. Somewhat Untrustworthy [You are becoming known as a creature of inconstant loyalties.]
  4. Beyond the Pale [You have changed sides once too often. You are not to be trusted.]

Wiki note: Anything above 4 shares the same message

Avoiding increases


A Turncoat tracks how often you have betrayed London's underworld to the Law, or vice versa. It is mainly used during A Boxful of Intrigue.

After you have become A Power in Waiting - and become either The Consience of Empire or A Guardian of the Realm, picking an option opposed to your previous choice (for instance, hunting a union leader as Consience of Empire) changes your allegiance and increases Turncoat.

The only way to reduce Turncoat is the storylet The Traitor's Feast in Spite, which unlocks at A Turncoat 4. It also requires Shadowy 120 and A Survivor of the Affair of the Box 12.

A Turncoat can also be raised in a few other ways.