A visit from Slowcake's Amanuensis

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

[…] MR ____ ______, Assistant to Mr Slowcake. "I have dispensed with my name[…]Along with other encumbrances.[…] I am not significant. You. You, [formal address], may be more significant than we had thought."

"I wonder if your entry […] ought to be a little more prominent?[…]"

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Game Instructions: This is an opportunity to increase your Notability! If you ever have trouble finding this card, "Attend to matters of society!" in Your Social Engagements.

Unlocked with A Person of Some Importance -

Locked with Obscurity 3

Card drawn in Fallen London

Occurs with Infrequent Frequency (80% as common as Standard)

Learn about Notability:

Chat to the Assistant
  •  Spoiler 



    "Allow me the liberty of a metaphor."

    Success Instructions: To put this another way, Making Waves will drop quickly each week. Notability will remain indefinitely, as long as your Making Waves is at least equal to your Notability when Time the Healer comes calling. In other words, to maintain Notability at 5, you'll need to ensure your Making Waves is at least 5.

    Redirects to: A visit from Slowcake's Amanuensis

"And why would I care how Notable I am?"
Purchase an entry in Slowcake's Exceptionals

Alter your Notability:

"I deserve a more emphatic type-face, at the very least."
  •  Spoiler 
    Unlocked with 1 x Entry in Slowcake's Exceptionals, Making Waves [20 - ( B+ D+ R) + 4 * N]
    Locked with Notability 15



    An Achievement Unsealed!

    Success Instructions: Careful! Your Notability will drop each week if it is higher than your Making Waves.

    • Sidebarnotabilitysmall.png You've gained 1 x Notability (up to 15)
    • Sidebarmakingwavessmall.png An occurrence! Your 'Making Waves' Quality is now [equal to your new Notability level]!
Recommend an unknown acquaintance
Throw the Amanuensis out on his oily little ear
Gain St Destin's Candle

Make Waves:

Boast wildly
"The company I keep speaks for me."
Bribe the man
Whispered secret.png
Say nothing. Wait for the Amanuensis to speak instead
Flirt with the Amanuensis
Spread gossip about a rival