Airs of Ealing Gardens

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What happens in Ealing?

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Airs of Ealing Gardens
1 – 4A trio of Rubbery Men pass you, burbling earnestly together.
5 – 9A poster without writing shows Rubbery Men working over a factory line. Arrows and a map indicate where they may go to seek this employment.
10 – 14A Rubbery Man comes out of a factory and heads slowly downhill toward the river.
15 – 19A sculptress carrying a wrapped parcel heads briskly for the train station.
20 – 24Faintly and far off are the strains of an Amber Cello being played. It's a mercy the thing isn't any closer
25 – 29A woman with a lamp sits at the corner, offering to light your way home. A penny if you don't need to go further than Ealing Gardens.
30 – 34A barge comes down the Stolen River from the direction of Jericho Locks. It carries a coffin.
35 – 39A sweating publican rolls a keg of Magisterial Lager up from the river bank where it was delivered.
40 – 44A Bohemian painter struggles up the side of Aescwine Hill, dragging a canvas taller than himself.
45 – 49A pair of Bohemians are discussing the excitement to be had when the train line is properly joined up to Hell.
50 – 54Something moves at the window of a house that ought to be abandoned.
55 – 59A man with a rag cart announces he's selling genuine stockings of Mr Wines. They won't be, of course.
60 – 64A couple of young men pass you. Both are uniformed in the livery of the Ministry of Upper River Development.
65 – 69A young man arrives from London with two crates of night soil and a box of spores, ready to make his fortune as a mushroom farmer.
70 – 74An Urchin flies over the rooftops in urgent pursuit of a Rubbery Cat.
75 – 79A servant of the Ministry of Upper River Development is nailing wood over the door of an abandoned house.
80 – 84Two Londoners pass by, complaining about the lateness, the danger, and the high ticket prices of the Great Hellbound Railway, and wondering aloud how the proprietors can live with themselves.
85 – 89A group of Palaeontologists stand consulting a map. Their gear – digging tools, ropes, supplies of food – suggests they intend a prolonged excavation.
90 – 94A pale amber light glows in the attic of one of the houses, and the sound of low conversation, both human and Rubbery.
95 – 100A cluster of women with harpoons passes you in the street.