Arrange for a Theological Augmentation

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.
The Bishop of Southwark has set up a base in the Labyrinth of Tigers.[…] The Bishop himself has his nose buried in a sheaf of letters[…] he roars: "Bring me an egg! Let's make it the best bl___y fighter the Neath has seen!"

Description summary:
The Bishop of Southwark is convinced that the eggs can hatch into beasts that he can add into his animal army.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with London's Season: Whitsun is present (World Quality, now available) (hidden), Aware of Whitsun (hidden)

Locked with It is Hatching!

Storylet appears in The Labyrinth of Tigers


Return when you have an egg for him
Offer your egg to the Bishop
Roll your egg over
Ask him to have another look at your egg