Bring Up your Egg

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

You decanted the egg from the wheelbarrow to a […] rug […] It occupies your living room […] it makes entertaining visitors awkward.

If you are going to make this impediment to your social life worthwhile, you'd best ensure it hatches into something of value.


Description summary:
The third paragraph changes with your Speculation about Whitsun quality.

0There are other places in town where you can have changes made to your egg, but you will need an invigorated or enlightened egg before anyone else can develop it further.
1There are other places in town where you can have changes made to certain types of egg: there are rumours about Veilgarden, and the Flit. But you will need an invigorated or enlightened egg before anyone else can develop it further.
2+There are other places […] where you can have changes made to certain types of egg: there are rumours about Veilgarden, the Flit, the Shuttered Palace, Wolfstack. But you will need an invigorated or enlightened egg before anyone […] can develop it further.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Game Instructions: Here you can prepare your egg to withstand augmentation. Augmentations will change the contents of your egg. You can Invigorate or Enlighten your egg, but not both, and can only do one egg at a time. Eggs.

Unlocked with London's Season: Whitsun is present (World Quality, now available) (hidden), Possessing an Egg (hidden)

Locked with Waiting for Your Egg to Hatch, It is Hatching!


Acquire a Highly-Illegal Experimental Egg Augmentation Device
Take your egg to the Lab for some experiments
Study the hatching process
Present your egg to the Apicius Club
  •  Spoiler 
    Unlocked with Augment Upon An Egg


    Challenge information

    Broad, Persuasive 20 || 14 - very chancy (42%) || 17 - chancy (51%) || 21 - modest (63%) || 24 - very modest (72%) || 27 - low-risk (81%) || 31 - straightforward (93%) || 34 - straightforward (100%)


    Simplicity itself

    Redirects to: De Gustibus in Whitsun


    Awkward silences


Augmenting Eggs

Invigorating Treatments

Invigorate a Scarlet Egg for the first time
Invigorate an Aged Egg for the first time
Invigorate a Percipient Egg for the first time
Invigorate a Pelagic Egg for the first time
Invigorate your egg more
Invigorate your Scarlet egg for the last time
Invigorate your Aged Egg for the last time
Invigorate your Percipient Egg for the last time
Invigorate your Pelagic Egg for the last time

Enlightening Treatments

Enlighten it further
Enlighten a Scarlet Egg for the last time
Enlighten an Aged Egg for the last time
Enlighten a Percipient Egg for the last time
Enlighten a Pelagic Egg for the last time

Experimental Augmentations

Meteors red.png
Cup the top of the egg with the Experimental Device

Breaking Eggs

Eye blue.png
Break open your unaugmented scarlet egg
Eye brown.png
Break open your unaugmented aged egg
Eye blue.png
Break open your unaugmented percipient egg
Eye blue.png
Break open your unaugmented pelagic egg
Eye blue.png
Smash open your partially invigorated scarlet egg
Eye brown.png
Smash open your partially invigorated aged egg
Eye blue.png
Smash open your partially invigorated percipient egg
Eye blue.png
Smash open your partially invigorated pelagic egg
Eye blue.png
Smash open your partially enlightened egg ( Scarlet)
Eye brown.png
Smash open your partially enlightened egg ( Aged)
Eye brown.png
Smash open your partially enlightened egg ( Percipient)
Eye blue.png
Smash open your partially enlightened pelagic egg ( Pelagic)

Hatching Eggs

Encourage your egg to hatch
Send your Invigorated Scarlet Egg to a friend for hatching
Send your Invigorated Aged Egg to a friend for hatching
Send your Invigorated Percipient Egg to a friend for hatching
Pelagic egg.png
Send your Invigorated Pelagic Egg to a friend for hatching
  •  Spoiler 
    Pelagic egg.png
    Unlocked with 1 x Amber Ha'penny, Fully Invigorated Pelagic Egg
    Locked with Augment Upon An Egg, Waiting for Your Egg to Hatch


    When Sent

    A great deal of straw You wrap the egg in cloth and muffle it with straw. The crate looks sturdy and the porters look determined. With luck, all the time and care you put into nurturing this egg has made it sturdy enough to withstand the journey.

    Your friend will receive: Envelopesmall.png [Friend] has sent you a crate containing an egg. The dark shape inside is threatening to pierce the membrane at any moment.

    Once Accepted

    You will receive:

    [Friend] accepted your gift. How brave of them.

    Your friend will receive:

    Envelopesmall.png Your Abyssal Egg has collapsed into a puddle of blackish fluid, and a dripping Wolfhound now stands amidst the ruin of your carpet. (Check your inventory for your new companion.)

Send your Enlightened Scarlet Egg to a friend for hatching
  •  Spoiler 
    Unlocked with 1 x Amber Ha'penny, Fully Enlightened Scarlet Egg
    Locked with Augment Upon An Egg, Waiting for Your Egg to Hatch


    When Sent

    A great deal of straw You wrap the egg in cloth and muffle it with straw. The porters are well-trained and considerate. You have hired someone to walk alongside the crate and read improving lessons. If all goes well, your acquaintance will receive a well-trained hatchling that has learned from its voyages.

    Your friend will receive: Envelopesmall.png [Friend] has sent you a crate containing an egg. The contents are hatching right now.

    Once Accepted

    You will receive:

    [Friend] accepted your gift. How brave of them.

    Your friend will receive:

    Envelopesmall.png Your Vermilion Egg has broken open, leaving a pool of water and a gasping Lamp-eye on the floor of your lodgings. (Check your inventory for your new companion.)

Send your Enlightened Aged Egg to a friend for hatching
  •  Spoiler 
    Unlocked with 1 x Amber Ha'penny, Fully Enlightened Aged Egg
    Locked with Augment Upon An Egg, Waiting for Your Egg to Hatch


    When Sent

    A great deal of straw You wrap the egg in cloth and muffle it with straw. The porters are well-trained and considerate. You have hired someone to walk alongside the crate and read improving lessons. If all goes well, your acquaintance will receive a well-trained hatchling that has learned from its voyages.

    Your friend will receive: Envelopesmall.png [Friend] has sent you a crate containing an egg. Frankly, it isn't in the best of condition. And it appears to be cracking open right now.

    Once Accepted

    You will receive:

    [Friend] accepted your gift. How brave of them.

    Your friend will receive:

    Envelopesmall.png Your Wizened Egg is hatching at this very moment. What is that little blue claw poking out? (Check your inventory for your new companion.)

    • Dillysmall.png You've gained 1 x Dilly
Send your Enlightened Percipient Egg to a friend for hatching
Pelagic egg.png
Send your Enlightened Pelagic Egg to a friend for hatching
  •  Spoiler 
    Pelagic egg.png
    Unlocked with 1 x Amber Ha'penny, Fully Enlightened Pelagic Egg
    Locked with Augment Upon An Egg, Waiting for Your Egg to Hatch


    When Sent

    A great deal of straw You wrap the egg in cloth and muffle it with straw. The porters are well-trained and considerate. You have hired someone to walk alongside the crate and read improving lessons. If all goes well, your acquaintance will receive a well-trained hatchling that has learned from its voyages.

    Your friend will receive: Envelopesmall.png [Friend] has sent you a crate containing an egg. The dark shape inside is threatening to pierce the membrane at any moment.

    Once Accepted

    You will receive:

    [Friend] accepted your gift. How brave of them.

    Your friend will receive:

    Envelopesmall.png A leathery shape has flapped free of the wreckage of your egg. The Exuberant Batling squeaks happily at you, hanging from a rafter. (Check your inventory for your new companion.)

Take your egg to be made into a garment
Take your egg to be made into a weapon