Buy a scarlet egg

From Fallen London Wiki

Wiki note: Starting in 2021, the free eggs and the eggs available with an Amber Ha'penny change every year; eggs available without the currency may require it the next year and vice-versa.

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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: The Reliable Eggmonger (2020) or The Reliable Eggmonger (2022)

"Look! Look at its, ah, ruby glow! The sure sign of a good egg!" He blushes.

Unlocked with 20 x Bottle of Greyfields 1882


Unwillingly employed

The Reliable Eggmonger almost drops a bottle on the flagstones in his hurry to put it away.[…]

"You're doing me a favour, really. You know, he told me that if a Constable came, I'm to run. With four wheelbarrows. He's off his rocker!" […]

[Find the rest of the story at]

Wiki note: During the first Whitsun the text only referenced two wheelbarrows, presumably due to the number of egg-types available.