There's another option...

From Fallen London Wiki

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I have a character with Ambition: Nemesis 5000 exactly and they're not seeing this option. Instead, they're seeing one that isn't even on the wiki yet:

Recognise the clawed grasp of Mr Cups

The Relickers are its servants. What does it hope to gather here? Not ordinary love stories, surely. It spent too long seeking tales of revenge.

A marked preference

There are two piles of stories in the Relicker's cart. The smaller pile is plainly the more valued, considering the chains and locks that secure it against bumps in the road and sticky-fingered urchins.

You get a quick look when the Relicker's back is turned. The top volume is a folio of letters written by a wealthy merchant's wife, who was pleased to find her entertainment with a tracklayer, but who refused in the end to run away with her lover. The final pages are crisp, crinkling, ruddy brown.