Consider your Untreated Scarlet Egg

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: A Matter of Husbandry

Action Cost: 0

You have brought one creature into the Neath from an egg. You have learned a little of ways to influence the egg-outcome. What can be done with a Scarlet Egg?

Description summary:
The first sentence changes with the level of your Monster Nurturer quality. Wiki note: Numbers unaccounted for: 6 – 12, 23 – 100

Monster NurturerSentence
1You have brought one creature into the Neath from an egg.
2You have brought two creatures into the Neath from eggs.
3You have brought three creatures into the Neath from eggs.
4You have brought four creatures into the Neath from eggs.
5You have brought five creatures into the Neath from eggs.
13-22+You have brought several creatures into the Neath from eggs.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with Monster Nurturer, Scarlet Egg, Untreated


Hard-earned wisdom

Scarlet is a flamboyant colour, suitable for a creature that wishes to be noticed […].

Invigorated, it will become something persuasive and impossible to ignore. Enlightened... it may become retiring and observant, instead.

[Find the rest of the story at]

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