Consult the Gilded Minister (Farewell, Crooked-Cross)

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From: Bidding Farewell to the Parish Council

Action Cost: 0

She has undertaken a challenging role, and was your ally in the Counter-Church.

Unlocked with Church: Catechist exactly 1, A Crooked Cross


A missionary for another church


Description summary:
Success text varies based on the type of Church that you founded. Expand the table below for details.

A Church in the WildDescription
50 & 80 (Anglican Church & Church of Hell)[...] I suppose the odds were always against us. We shall have to redouble our efforts. [...] She takes your hand. "Better to walk through this vale of tears with a candle than to close your eyes and fill the dark with fantasy." She walks away.
60 - A Church in the WildThe Gilded Minister smiles and shakes your hand. "A creditable second best, I think[...] A shame that the Church in the Wild deludes itself that it offers a new path for the faithful, but disappointment shall be a serviceable minister." [...]
70 - A Counter-Church in the WildThe Gilded Minister gives you a warm smile as you approach. "You have achieved my dream. We have robbed falsehood of a ministry and established our argument in stone. [...] It shall be a foundation upon which we can continue the attack.[...] we may even win.

[Find the rest of the story at]