Declare your (Skeleton Type) a completed Curator

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: Assemble a Skeleton

The Masters wouldn't care for you saying so. But the wings, the arms and legs, all fit.

Unlocked with Skeleton in Progress 10 - 90, Skeleton: Skulls exactly 1, Skeleton: Arms exactly 2, Skeleton: Legs exactly 2, Skeleton: Wings exactly 2, Connected: The Masters of the Bazaar 3

Locked with Skeleton: Skulls Needed, Skeleton: Limbs Needed, Skeleton: Tails Needed, Skeleton: Fins, Skeleton: Tails

Wiki note: The option's title varies with the type of skeleton and its qualities.


Drape it in a robe

And it will look as much like a Master as Mr Sacks.
  • Bone3small.png You've assembled the skeleton of something that resembles a Master of the Bazaar. (Sets Skeleton in Progress to 300 - Curator)