Develop the reel you exposed in Hallow's Throat

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: A Starved Man with a Moving Camera

Photography – and motion photography doubly so – is an art of delayed gratification.

Unlocked with A Film Reel from Hallow's Throat


Silver flickers

The Starved Man can barely contain his excitement; golden ripples flare over his skin. Fragrant chemicals and a dark room, and waiting. And then – a strip of developed film, little images frozen in time, arrayed in a line. [...]

Description summary:
The third and fourth paragraphs change based on the lens and film emulsion used.

A Kinetocular Lens:Third paragraph
TelescopicThe camera has captured an aerial view of London – a perspective ordinarily only seen by balloonists, New Newgate inmates, and airfarers. It pans and telescopes over the streets […] to show different scenes of life in the city.
Wide-AngleThe camera has captured a view of the small crowd bustling through the Lung, shortly after the arrival of an airship. A group of black-clad smugglers cuts through the frame. But most of the figures in view are the Starved Men themselves […]
A Film Reel from Hallow's ThroatFourth paragraph
Starved Citadel, PeliginThe Starved Men are cast in a stark, naked light that highlights their sculpted shapes and many-jointed limbs. Every motion is mirorred by the monstrous shadows on the wall, […] like paper dolls in a puppet play designed to frighten rather than delight.
Starved Citadel, ViolantThe camera's eye turns to look at, […], brief moments of connection. You see an oddly warm greeting between a smuggler and a Starved Man. You see two airfarers sharing swigs from a hip flask. You see little copper coins – […] – changing hands.
Starved Citadel, CosmogoneThis scene is cast in a hazy, soft glow that suggests […] a sense of nostalgia. Like an old tintype or a romantic cameo pendant, set to motion. The Starved Men […] glow in the light of the False-Stars. […] those stars are themselves moving in a slow dance.
London Below, PeliginThis vision of the city is made of stark black-on-white shadows and exaggerated angles. There's a vertigo to it […] nothing seems upright; the angles are all wrong. The camera […] lingers on the broken landscape of Spite […] The rats […] The soot […]
London Below, ViolantThe Bazaar looms in every view of the city. The image, tinged red, […] like a vast beating heart. […] Telescope in a little further and you can see detail: money changing hands. […] The little lean of a bureaucrat's stage whisper.
London Below, CosmogoneThis vision of the city centres on Veilgarden – and what a vision of Veilgarden it is! Never have the Bohemians looked so fiery and so fey; […] swim in a misty haze of diffuse light […] every expression […] threatens to make the viewer fall in love on the spot.

[Find the rest of the story at]