Engage in Unobserved Charity

From Fallen London Wiki
Spoiler warning!
This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.
There are wounded ex-Tracklayers who live around here, no longer able to do a day's work. The Masters wouldn't approve of an intervention. It doesn't suit the business interests of the Great Hellbound Railway. But you may have your own reasons.

Card drawn in Ealing Gardens

Occurs with Infrequent Frequency (80% as common as Standard)


Xmas gaslamp.png
Fill a stomach
Comfort a sufferer
  •  Spoiler 


    Challenge information

    Broad, Shadowy 400 || 274 - very chancy (41%) || 340 - chancy (51%) || 407 - modest (61%) || 474 - very modest (71%) || 540 - low-risk (81%) || 607 - straightforward (91%) || 667 - straightforward (100%)

    The challenge difficulty decreases by 50 with each level of Ealing Gardens: Darkness, or Jericho Locks: Darkness, whichever pertinent.


    Secret consolation


    Noticed too soon

Provide an Urchin with evidence that she's a long lost heir