Explore the canals in a water-taxi (Morning)

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: The Sinking Quarters

The water taxis in this part of the city are less well-kept. How is life here?

Unlocked with 1 x Assortment of Khaganian Coinage, Current Time in the Khanate: False-Dawn - Afternoon


A glimpse of life

(see table below)

Description summary:
The description varies based on Airs of the Khanate. Wiki note: Numbers unaccounted for: 11 – 15, 17 – 28, 50 – 67, 74

Airs of the KhanateDescription
1 - 10A man stands at the edge of a canal peering into some kind of optical instrument […] he's not looking at the false-stars, nor is he surveying for construction; rather, there are dates, and next to them, measurements of the intensity of the light.
16A stray dog leaps on a street vendor's cart, upturning a basket of fried treats into a canal. The laughing and cursing is prodigious; a gang of urchins grabs one of their fellows by the shoulder to keep him from leaping into the canal after the food.
29You pass by a small, dilapidated factory; grimy-faced workers lean against the brickwork outside, soaking in the cool air before going back into the dingy heat inside.
30 - 49A lightbulb sparks and burns overhead; the whole string of lights hoisted above the canal goes dark as it does.
68 - 73A stray dog leaps on a street vendor's cart, upturning a basket of fried treats into a canal. The laughing and cursing is prodigious; a gang of urchins grabs one of their fellows by the shoulder to keep him from leaping into the canal after the food.
75 - 100In the far distance, you can see the dark mass of Khan's Shadow: a fleet of ships lashed together into a makeshift town, lit almost entirely by the blinding light from Khan's Heart.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]