Firmament: Lift Off

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

[...] There, your airship waits, ready to spirit you away to the Roof, and the source of this rising flood.

Mr Fires has not bothered [...], but the Overworked Commodore is present. He hands you a hamper [...]. "Brandy, bacon, bread," he says. "The essentials."

Unlocked with Firmament 41-44

Locked with An Airship, Waiting 4

Storylet appears in Station IX


Airship sparrow.png
View your completed airship (Sparrow)
Airship vigilant.png
View your completed airship (Vigilant)
  •  Spoiler 
    Airship vigilant.png
    Unlocked with An Airship, Waiting exactly 2, Firmament exactly 41



    Always, yours

    Success Instructions: To continue, open your map and select Hallow's Throat.

Airship obliterator.png
View your completed airship (Obliterator)
Receive a reminder
  •  Spoiler 
    Action Cost: 0



    Castles in the ceiling
