Give the Forlorn Shepherd the materials he requires

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: Send Word to the Midnight Moon

He has travelled with the Candle-Men. He is well acquainted with their requirements, and better, their preferences.

Game Instructions: The next chapter is not yet released. You may take your time gathering materials.

Unlocked with Firmament exactly 89, 5 x Favours in High Places, 5 x Blackmail Material, 25 x Sworn Statement, 10 x Bottle of Broken Giant 1844



The Shepherd neatly folds your documents around the casks of unlicensed liquor. [...]

[...] "All we can do now is wait for an answer, and hope we find welcome when we arrive." [...] "I hope they still serve that wine they did when I was there last. [...]"