Hillchanger Tower, Transported

From Fallen London Wiki
Distance from HomeLocation description
5The dirigible has gone, and it's hard to know when or whether the pilot will come back for Mr Fires. You will have to try to move the Tower itself: if it will go back to Ealing, or better yet back to Station VIII...? But how does one move it?
4The Tower is now far east of its original position, almost over London.
3The Tower is... sideways. Somewhere at the very edge of the Neath, stuck in a cave wall. What was the east wall is now your floor.
2The Tower has rematerialised somewhere in the Unterzee. It has had the courtesy to put itself on an island rather than on the zee floor, for which you must be grateful. But there's no hope of going anywhere outside.
0The Tower is in Ealing Gardens now, on its familiar spot, just as if it hadn't gone anywhere at all.
Spoiler warning!
This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

[see table above]

And then there's the matter of managing Mr Fires, who is barely conscious.

Unlocked with redirect from Attend to Mr Fires

Storylet appears in Station VIII

With Distance from Home ≤ 4

Speak to Mr Fires about the symbol it read
  •  Spoiler 
    Locked with Distance from Home 5


    Challenge information

    Broad, Persuasive 220 || 151 - very chancy (41%) || 187 - chancy (51%) || 224 - modest (61%) || 261 - very modest (71%) || 297 - low-risk (81%) || 334 - straightforward (91%) || 367 - straightforward (100%)

    Narrow, Steward of the Discordance 1 (50% base) || 1 - very chancy (50%) || 2 - chancy (60%) || 3 - modest (70%) || 4 - very modest (80%) || 5 - low-risk (90%) || 6 and above - straightforward (100%)


    Ignorance as an art


    It tells you


With Distance from Home

Persuade the Tower to move, using bribery
Persuade the Tower to move, using the persuasions of clock and schedule
Persuade the Tower to move, using Correspondence and cajolery
  •  Spoiler 
    Unlocked with Distance from Home


    Challenge information

    Broad, A Scholar of the Correspondence 10 || 7 - very chancy (42%) || 9 - chancy (54%) || 11 - modest (66%) || 12 - very modest (72%) || 14 - low-risk (84%) || 16 - straightforward (96%) || 17 - straightforward (100%)


    A homeward dance


    Encouragements whispered in multiple languages


Without Distance from Home

Help Mr Fires out of the tower