Lost Research Assistant

From Fallen London Wiki
  Show conversions 
Economy: Academic (Notable Sources)
E0.01 Foxfire Candle Stub
▾▾▾ 100:10 or 1000:105
E 0.20 | Rare: E 2.50
E0.10 Flask of Abominable Salts
▾▾▾ 50:10 or 500:105
E 0.40 | Rare: E 12.45
E0.50 Memory of Distant Shores
▾▾▾ 50:10 ( 50:10 if )
E 1.00 | Rare: E 25.00
E0.50 Incisive Observation
E2.50 Unprovenanced Artefact
E2.50 Volume of Collated Research

E12.50 Mirthless Compendium
E12.50 Breakthrough in Currency Design
E50.00 Endowment of a
University Fellowship
E62.50 Judgements' Egg
25 Secret College
E(12.50) Memory of Discordance
E(12.50) Lost Research Assistant
E- The Formula for
Empyrean Redolence
E- Formula for Perfumed Gunpowder
E- Formula for Railway Steel
E- Recipe for Scintillack Snuff

For items with two conversion options, the
success given refers only to the first option.
Bulk options do not have additional benefits.

At the University, some departments get a bit of a reputation. Some graduate students, regrettably, don't hear about it until it's too late.

See here for a list of how to obtain this item, or click here to show them.

See here for a list of pages which require this item, or click here to show them.

See Academic Grinding (Guide) for information on grinding this item.