Purchase a Ratwork Watch

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: The Tatterdemalion Tent

Action Cost: 0

A little timepiece ticks away on the table. Its fittings are copper, its shine already accentuated with verdigris.

Game Instructions: The Ratwork Watch is Watchful and Persuasive, but its fussy ticking renders it deleterious to your Dangerous.

Unlocked with Direction of the Rat-Wind: is East (World Quality, now locked), The Rat Market is present (World Quality, now available), 3200 x Rat-Shilling


Copper green

It fits in the palm of your hand [...]. When you hold it to the light, the copper gleam of the ticking timepiece is as deep and lulling as an ocean.

The Piebald Modiste names her price. [...] perhaps she's keen to get it into your hands.