Refashion yourself into something more malleable

From Fallen London Wiki
A player-created Guide is available for this content: Ecdysis (Guide)

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From: Ecdysis

You don't know what you need to be. Best keep a few shapes in your back pocket.

Game Instructions: A Boon that increases Shapeling Arts.

Unlocked with Preparing for Ecdysis 6, Bodily Tendency 81, Discovered: Your Own Discarded Exuviae

Locked with Hallow Vessel, Bodily Reshaping


Alterations and adjustments

How many bones do you have? Name a number. Where do your muscles attach? Wherever they want.

You walk out [...] You could slither, or hop, or brachiate out. You expected your clothes to feel ill-fitting [...] On the contrary: they fit all too perfectly, now.