Rescue a certain soul from the Brass Embassy

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Burning Shadows: the Devils of London

Action Cost: 5

Not this one. They can't have it.

Game Instructions: This will sever your ties with Hell, allowing you to align with another group. Beware: You will lose all Favours: Hell.

Unlocked with Closest To - is: Hell, 1 x Brilliant Soul, Spending Secrets 4



You can see their narrow-brimmed hats weaving through the crowd […]: five of them. Six! […]

Shoving the doors open, you […] press the bottle into the hands of the Bishop of Southwark. […] "Why this one?" he asks. You don't answer. That's your d____d business.

[Find the rest of the story at]