Scour the papers

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: A stroke of luck

An unsolicited review, perhaps.



Description summary:
The description varies based on the chosen Advertising Profile: Campaign Focus

Campaign FocusDescription
Mrs Winthrop's Purifying SoapThe papers do not mention Mrs Winthrop's […], but there is feverish coverage of an unsightly skin condition blighting people across London.[…] no comparable ailment on the surface.

Later, you pass an apothecary with a queue leading out of the door. […]

Spirit of the Zee[…] the front pages are dedicated to the recent return of a charismatic zee-farer […]

when you later pass a crowded tavern you see drinkers huddled around a bottle of Spirit of the Zee […] hoping it will grant them a glimpse of what she saw.

Sterling's Solar HearthThere is no coverage of Sterling's Solar Hearth, but several papers recount a raid on a sunlight warehouse. […] There is little condemnation of those whose names were discovered. For have we not all sought relief from the darkness?
The Cosmic MatchmakerThere is no coverage of the Cosmic Matchmaker, but several papers have covered the elopement of a young heiress and – can that be right? – a rubbery man. […]

[…] The heiress' decision is mostly met with derision, but a few people are wistful. […]

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