Send him in memory of yourself, with your own reasons

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: The Grey Man Departs

You have walked into Hell more than once. Let him conjure up why you did that, and copy you in form.

Unlocked with 3 x Favours: Hell



The Grey Man speaks to you in your own voice before he goes[…] You turn away with a shudder […] With any luck, he did not […] learn […] why you came back out of Hell again.

Hell's Emissary is amused by your discomfort[…] to offer a generous reward.

[…] the Grey Man is gone. […]

[Find the rest of the story at]

Success Instructions: If you think it is a good idea, you may return to Moloch Street and build a spur line connecting London more directly to the Tracklayers' City. Then again, you may prefer to keep a bit more distance between them.

In either case, the story of the Grey Man and the Spindlewolf is at an end. The city remains.