September, the Ninth Month

From Fallen London Wiki

Though he cannot always be by your side, his stream of impassioned and lively letters, arriving daily, are almost a substitute. His confidence in his talents beyond the Calendar Council have only increased thanks to you, and he regards you with a devotion as fierce and enduring as the thistle in frost. What can't you do with September's support?

This item is only available by spending FATE. For details, see Feast of the Exceptional Rose.

See here for a list of how to obtain this item, or click here to show them.

Effects when equipped in Spouse slot:

See here for a list of pages which require this item, or click here to show them.

Wiki note: If you have the September companion from the Feast of the Exceptional Rose and are currently unmarried, an opportunity card will appear in your deck in London which allows you to marry him. Nevertheless, there isn't an associated opportunity card after you're married.