Show him the file from the Dilmun Club

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Locating the Youthful Naturalist

In order to enter the Flowerdene Rookery safely, you'll need a password.

Unlocked with Rookery Password


Impoverished arrangements

[...] Shifty-Eyed Urchin accepts your password and guides you through the rookery, avoiding makeshift honey-dens and certain dark stairwells.

The Youthful Naturalist smiles with delight when he sees you. [...]

"I knew you'd finagle a way to get it!"
  • Spitesmall.png You have moved to a new area: Spite
  • Jillyfishsmall.png The Youthful Naturalist is eager to help you analyse the file. (Sets Associating with a Youthful Naturalist to 35 - Analyse the Implacable Detective's research with the Youthful Naturalist)

Redirects to: Working with the Youthful Naturalist