Strike righteous fear into unwanted visitors!

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: What will you do with your Tell-Tale Beetle?

No longer will you have to put up with the salesmen, hawkers and assorted campaigners that arrive uninvited, on your doorstep!

Challenge information

Narrow, Respectable 5 (50% base)

  • 1 and below - almost impossible (10%)
  • 2 - high-risk (20%)
  • 3 - high-risk (30%)
  • 4 - tough (40%)
  • 5 - very chancy (50%)
  • 6 - chancy (60%)
  • 7 - modest (70%)
  • 8 - very modest (80%)
  • 9 - low-risk (90%)
  • 10 and above - straightforward (100%)


Marvellously sinister

Most of the time, salesmen […] stop talking and stand in your hallway gawping for a moment. Which is long enough for the beetle's dread ticking […] to unnerve them. They tend to leave […] leaving things behind in their haste to get away.

[Find the rest of the story at]


Cloth-eared virtue

Urchins hawking trinkets and devils on the hunt for cheap souls can usually be frightened away by the judgemental tick of the beetle. Elderly ladies collecting for charitable causes, on the other hand, seem positively energised by it.