Take on a conservative load of cargo

From Fallen London Wiki
A player-created Guide is available for this content: Zailing (Guide)

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From: The Hulk of the (Ship)

Leave plenty of space to fix the boxes in place with sand.

Game Instructions: This will begin your journey immediately. You will not be able to turn back until your cargo is gone (one way or the other).


Hazardous materials

The crew ensconces the boxes in the hold with heavy caution and sweating palms. One zailor is so relieved that she immediately strikes up her pipe. The bo'sun promptly tackles her – thankfully away from the highly volatile explosives.

Success Instructions: Cross the zee to Admiralty Ordnance Depôt № 8, then navigate Wayland's Teeth to offload your cargo. Keep an eye on your Troubled Waters – they will make this harder.

Hidden effects

If Zailing on: = Zailing to Sea Zone:


Destination: Wayland's Teeth

Redirects to: Chart a Course