The Empress' Shadow

From Fallen London Wiki
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A player-created Guide is available for this content: Feast of the Rose (Guide)
A player-created Guide is available for this content: Hallowmas (Guide)

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Teach at Sinning Jenny's Finishing School! Recruit students and train them in important skills, such as deportment and maiming. Then send the class to plunder the secrets of the Empress' Shadow – Queen Victoria's eldest daughter, who is visiting from the surface!

This is a FATE-locked story.

Author: Emily Short
It was originally published in December 2016

The story can be unlocked from the Fate-page for 35 FATE points.
It can be reset for 30 FATE points.

Wiki note: The story gives access to Sinning Jenny's Finishing School. This is a special location that will stay in the game even after finishing the story.

More information can be found here.

Notable Rewards and Tie-ins

Unique options and ending with:

Unique cards in Sinning Jenny's Finishing School during:

Starting Storylet