The Iris of the Sun

From Fallen London Wiki
A player-created Guide is available for this content: Parabolan War (Guide)

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Description summary:
The description is tracked by a hidden quality.

0"Don't do that." The Dreaming Priest's finger is upon your hand, forcing the lever down, and the great copper dome closed. The light dies by degree until you are eclipsed by the shadows of the safehold, facing each other in the atrium.
1The muttering continues, frenetic and slipping into the Priest's native tongue. The sight of the Skin has evidently discommoded him. In the valleys below (above), your army grows restless. The enemy gathers. You cannot hold this position forever.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with a redirect from Reach the Hanging Mountains

Storylet appears in The Dolorous Pavilion


Force the dome open again
St mountains.png
Allow the dome to remain closed
Force the issue
Whispered secret.png
Let the matter lie