The Irrigo Goggles

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Reason: Check new ID, requirement when The Rat-Season: is right.

A player-created Guide is available for this content: The Rat Market (Guide)

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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: The Maundering Rat's Stall

Action Cost: 0

A pair of iridescent goggles, stained by an irrigo luminescence. Already the lenses are beginning to harden, forming a shimmering carapace over the glass.

Game Instructions: The Irrigo Goggles are Watchful but lower your Persuasive.

Unlocked with Direction of the Rat-Wind: is East (World Quality, now locked), Phase of the Rat-Moon: is Blue (World Quality, now locked), The Rat Market is present (World Quality, now locked), 2000 x Rat-Shilling



The Maundering Rat details the […] coaxing of the irrigo, […] the usage of violant ink […] the silverers technique of staining the glass. […]

[…] you see […] what is and what is not and the bleeding of one into the other. […] you do not always remember which was which.

[Find the rest of the story at]