The Mayoral Pomp of the Viscountess

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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

Description summary:
The description changes as you advance the story.

The Viscountess at the Fruits of the ZeeDescription
0The Waswood shimmers as it produces a vine-wreathed mirage […] Anticipation for the Festival […] lingers in the air like unspent lightning.

Only one person seems unaffected […]"I am a cat. Mutton Island is an island. This implies water.[…] No. I will not go." […]

3The Waswood shifts; resolves into a phantasm of the Fruits of the Zee festival. The Viscountess sits alone, holding the festivities in contempt.
4A strange rubbery fish flops out of a pool before you, its gills fern-like and its eyes like eggs. Might this encourage the Viscountess to reveal a little more of herself?
7The eddy of the Waswood transmutes into a forsaken cove. Something gleams in the depths of a deep pool...
8, 12 - 13The Waswood resolves into the familiar spectral visage of Mutton Island. The Viscountess waits, alone.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with a redirect from Remember the Mayorality of the Viscountess, Return to the Mayorality of the Viscountess Step into the mirror, Take your leave of the Viscountess, Encourage her to accept the Viscount's wish, or Encourage the Viscount to reconsider

Storylet appears in The Waswood


Contract a Silverer for the Mayor
Muttonisland port.png
Cross to Mutton Island via your Base-Camp‎
Speak to the Mayor
Offer your Strange Catch to the Mayor
A Bedraggled, Bejeweled Collar
Return to the Viscountess
Return to the Viscountess